Monday, May 25, 2009

More free stuff

Well today I was gone all day. I was out doing stuff. And when I came home I seen another free item on my doorstep. This time it was an xbox 360 game called Gears of War. Thats right. I have the second one and sold the first one before because i was thinking gears 2 will rape. So I played it and hated the multiplayer but dealt with it until now. I decided I wanted the old gears back. Anyway I got this game from and with a little help from (same point system and what have you as r1) I was able to get this game off of Amazon for pretty cheap. So if theres any one out there looking for some free stuff. Go to and and start doing some offers. You can check out my other posts if you have any questions on how these sites work. You also don't have to get just games. You can get ebay gift cards, amazon gift cards, microsoft points, xbox live, and all kinds of goodies. Just check out those sites. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Heres a link on how the site works.
Heres a link to a list of offers that I have got to work for me
And Heres a link on how to get free World of Warcraft timecards and such.

Friday, May 22, 2009

NHL 2010

It has finally been released even though a bit early. They put a lot of the focus into the fighting aspect of the game. they say its going to be first person instead of hovering overhead the fighters. I personally think that will make the game even more awesome. I know half the time I will be trying to fight people just for that.

Anyway, I'm not sure if they will add more controls or more health but we will see as the time goes on. Also I have heard that they will make it so you can now kick the puck with your skate. Will they make this hard and complicated to do? We don't know that yet. But this will be the perfect addition for the Datsuyk, Zetterburg, Ovechkin wanna be out there.

Well thats all for now. I know I have been lacking on the posts but schools almost out and so I have been busy. I will post more when I can.

Let me know what you think about the game if your a fan of any NHL game